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This was the first project that I worked on while at Coventry University.


This consisted of creating a point and click adventure game that will have to run and play smoothly on the Raspberry Pi B+ model. We also had to use Scratch 1.4, which made it far more limited.


We created a horror game in which the player is thrown into an Ansylum along-side their demented ex-girlfriend and it is their aim to escape.

This was the second project that I worked on while at Coventry University.


This consisted of creating a 4 mini games in 1 application for Android. The games were all to be created by each member of my group than collated into 1 shell created by another. This was all aimed specifically for the Nexus 7 (2013).


I created one of these mini games. I wanted to combine two classic games that I have enjoyed playing; Space Invaders and many different types of Brick Breaker games hence I create Space Breaker. A brick breaker with a sci-fi twist.



This was the third project that I worked on while at Coventry University.


This consisted of creating a 3D side scrolling platform game to be create with Unity with 3D assets that have been created with 3D Studio Max.


We created a fairly quirky and unique game that features a slice of bacon trying to rescue his friend, another slice of bacon after being kidnapped by armed sausages. The player has to navigate a kitchen-like level with typical kitchen utensils as navigatable objects.



This was the first solo project I worked on while at Coventry University. Part of a module for second year.


This consisted of creating a game demo in an appropriate game engine, with a minimum of two minutes of play time.


I decided to create a game that I've always wanted to; this being a fast paced twitch dodging game. I wanted to keep the mechanics simple and easy to pickup as well as having both keyboard and controller input.


This was the first project for the advanced graphics assignment during my 3rd year at university.

I had to implement a ray tracer from scratch in C++ that has a variety of features ranging from shadows, reflections to user interactions and displaying to the screen.

Some code optimisation was implemented by using a parallel for loop making it close to render in real-time.

This was the result of a 3 day game jam while visiting BINUS University in Indonesia - I worked in a small team of 3 - one artist - one animator and myself - the programmer. 

We created a simple split screen game where one player draws the obstacles and the other has to avoid them - we included controller support and wanted to bring couch-gaming back.

We came first in the game jam and was mentioned in a number of articles. 1 2 3



I needed to write, from scratch, a complete OpenGL and C++ simulation that would take place in our solar system.

The main principles of the solar system had to be kept as in reality, for instance, a rendered Sun with orbiting planets and moons. I created all the planets and some moons for each with accuracy in relation to each planet with accurate orbital timings.

During my second year of University, I took part in the first Coventry University Hackathon that hosted a variety of different students into creating something related to "business" in a 24 hour sitting.

I worked in a group of 6 to create a fully fledged VR game for the Oculus Vive which placed us in 2nd place!

I was responsible for the UI aspect and wanted to keep it immersive instead of having HUD elements, I opted for a computer screen at a desk that lets the user know all their stats.



This was the result of a 24 hour Hackathon at Coventry University. After the success of CUCC Hack '16, I took part in CUCC Hack '17 and finally came in 1st place!

We created an Android game that piggy backed on viral marketing by using current trends - Donald Trump. Trump starts off bald and has to collect hair to make it grow. You can then purchase cosmetics to pimp your Trump!

To make the app marketable (the target of the Hackathon) we added in-app purchases and Google AdMobs and was the only product on the day to produce income.

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